2011年 第1期


Stuart Meek1,Stephen Ison1,Marcus Enoch1 著,邵 玲2,吕永波3 译
(1.英国拉夫堡大学土木工程学院交通研究小组,莱斯特郡 LE11 TU,英国;2.同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,上海 200092;3.北京城建道桥建设集团有限公司,北京 100023)





Role of Bus-Based Park and Ride in the UK: A Temporal and Evaluative Review

Written by Stuart Meek1, Stephen Ison1, Marcus Enoch1, Translated by SHAO Ling2, LU Yong-bo3
(1.Transport Studies Group, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Leicestershire LE11 TU, UK; 2.College of Architecture and Urban Planning Tongji University, Shanghai 200092; 3. Beijing Urban Construction Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd, Beijing 100023)

Abstract:The number of bus-based Park and Ride (P&R) schemes in the UK has grown substantially over the past 40 years as a result of its encouragement by the Government as a tool to deal with increasing traffic congestion and traffic-related pollution. The aim of this article is to analyse the degree to which P&R is effective in the contemporary policy context. The authors identify phases of development of P&R since its emergence as a local solution to transport capacity constraints in historic towns. Policy goals are identified against which a review of literature is used to highlight its effectiveness. It is concluded that P&R may increase the distance travelled by its users due to low load factors on dedicated buses, public transport abstraction and trip generation, although it is highlighted that there are areas in which further research is required to clarify its impacts.

Keywords:urban transportation;P&R;bus;evaluative review