2010年 第5期



摘要:根据世博交通保障策略的要求,为确保世博会交通管 理有效运行,对世博交通决策支持信息服务系统进行研究。 首先介绍了这一系统的技术框架结构,分别阐述了数据层、技 术层、应用层、服务层的主要内容。进而对系统功能进行设 计,提出世博交通保障措施查询、世博出行方案查询、世博交 通运行状况统计、世博交通服务水平评估和客流预测预报5 个 方面的功能及其具体内容。最后,探讨了系统开发涉及的关 键性技术,并对系统开发和实施提出建议。

关键词:智能交通系统;世博交通;决策支持;交通运行统计; 客流预测预报



Transportation Information System for Shanghai World Expo 2010

ZHU Hao, WANG Lei, ZHANG Hui-na
(Shanghai City Comprehensive Transportation Planning Institute, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract:To ensure an efficient traffic operation during the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, it is important to develop an information system for better traffic management decisions during the Expo. This paper first introduces the framework of the information system, and outlines the main functions of the system components: data, technology, application, and service. Based on the system main functions, the paper proposes the system’s capacities in providing the information in traffic management, travel route, real-time traffic operation statistics, LOS evaluation, and passenger volume forecasting. By analyzing the critical technology in the system development, the paper makes few suggestions on the development and implementation of the information system.

Keywords:Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS); Expo transportation; decision-making supporting; traffic operation statistics; passenger volume forecasting