2010年 第3期



摘要:平面式快速路是快速路的 一种重要形式,其出入口最小间距 影响因素复杂,科学确定其值对提 高快速路的安全和效率具有重要 意义。在分析已有快速路出入口 最小间距计算方法的基础上,结合 平面式快速路出入口特征,对四类 出入口组合的出入口间距组成要 素进行了深入分析,得到了平面式 快速路出入口最小间距的计算方 法。该计算方法以快速路主线车 道数、主线流量、出入口流量、辅道 流量为输入条件,计算满足一定服 务水平下的出入口最小间距值。 结果表明,该方法能综合反映各类 影响因素,可针对具体条件得到更 为科学的平面式快速路出入口最 小间距值。

关键词:交通工程;平面式快速路; 计算模型;出入口;最小间距



Minimum Length between Entrance and Exit of Expressway

WANG Jin1,2, YANG Xiao-guang1
(1.Institute of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China; 2 School of Civil Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan Hubei 430074, China)

Abstract:Planar entrance and exit design is an important part of urban expressway. The minimum separation distance between a pair of entrance and exit are influenced by many factors and has big impact on the safety and efficiency of an expressway. By reviewing the existing computational methods for the designing minimum separation distance, this study evaluated four different designs of entrance and exit and developed a new computational method for planar expressway's entrance and exit. Using expressway's number of lanes and traffic volume, and volumes on entrance, exit, and service road as input, the methods gives the minimum separation distance based on the given level of service. This method can provide the most scientific value for the minimum distance between a pair of entrance and exit of expressway by comprehensively considering several influential elements.

Keywords:traffic engineering; planar expressway; computational model; entrance and exit; minimum separation