2010年 第3期



摘要:研究出行方式选择行为有助于引导私人小汽车出 行者改乘轨道交通出行。以上海世博期间驾驶人的通勤 出行为研究对象,通过RP和SP调查采集驾驶人实际通勤 出行情况和世博期间的出行方式选择行为,得到小汽车相 比轨道交通的出行时间节省量和费用差与是否选择轨道 交通存在联系。应用离散选择模型分析出行方式选择的 影响因素,建立二项Logit 模型。结果表明,驾龄较短和低 收入的驾驶人更愿意选择轨道交通,年轻驾驶人(相比年 长者)、频繁使用小汽车者更愿意选择小汽车出行。

关键词:交通规划;交通模型;出行方式选择行为;二项 Logit模型



Car or Public Transit? – Analysis on Travel Mode Choice Behavior

WANG Wen-jing, GAN Hong-cheng
(Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China)

Abstract:Studying travelers' behavior provides information on how to encourage travelers switching from private car to rail transit. By collecting the information on the regular commuting trips by car and the travel mode choice during the World Expo Shanghai 2010 with RP and SP survey, this paper investigates the possible relationship between choosing rail transit and travel time/cost-saving by rail transit. Through analyzing the influential factors in travel mode choice, the paper develops a BL model. The results show that travelers with relatively less driving experience and lower income intend to use rail transit, while relatively young travelers and travelers frequently using cars are willing to commute by car.

Keywords:transportation planning; transportation model; travel mode choice behavior; BL model