2021年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2021)04-0033-08

张颖达1, 2,李先1, 2,孙玲1, 2,孙明正1, 2
(1. 北京交通发展研究院,北京100073;2.城市交通运行仿真与决策支持北京市重点实验室,北京100073)

摘要: 交通服务标准是大型体育赛事各项交通筹办工作的指导,是直接影响赛事交通设施和交通组 织规划、赛事车辆与人员安排、赛事交通管理的基本准则。通过总结多项大型体育赛事交通服务要 求和经验,明确了交通服务标准编制需要遵循完整性、有效性、可行性和经济性等原则。细分赛事 各客户群人员构成和出行目的,提出制定交通服务标准时应重点考虑交通服务类别、出行权限、交 通服务时间和交通服务范围等因素。指出交通服务标准在制定时应涵盖所有的赛事出行目的,通过 综合考虑各客户群出行特征和场馆运行特点等因素,逐一规定各交通服务类别的服务时间和服务范 围,以实现平衡好高要求的赛事出行服务要求和节俭办赛理念的目标。

关键词: 大型体育赛事;交通服务标准;出行权限;服务时间;服务范围

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Transportation Service Standards of Major Sports Events

Zhang Yingda1, 2, Li Xian1, 2, Sun Ling1, 2, Sun Mingzheng1, 2
(1. Beijing Transport Institute, Beijing 100073, China; 2. Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Urban Transport Operation Simulation and Decision Support, Beijing 100073, China)

Abstract: As a guidance for providing transportation service to major sports events, transportation service standards have direct impacts on transportation facilities and transportation planning, event related vehicle and personnel arrangement, and transportation management. By summarizing needs for transportation service and experience of several major sports events, this paper proposes the principles of the service standards such as comprehensiveness, efficiency, feasibility, and cost effectiveness. Based on different types of user groups and travel purpose, the paper points out that the types of transportation service, travel restriction, service time and coverage are the key considering points in transportation service standards. Focusing on the travel purpose and travel characteristics of various user groups, and sports venues, transportation service time and coverage should be developed respectively to balance between providing high- quality travel service and the maintaining cost- effective sports events.

Keywords: major sports events; transportation service standards; travel permissions; service time; service coverage