2021年 第5期
街道设计导则与城市道路系统的优化提升 ——从通行能力到空间品质的转变

文章编号: 1672-5328(2021)05-0001-16


摘要: 街道作为城市中承担交通、活动、生态等多重功能的重要公共空间,其品质提升与精细化设 计受到越来越多的重视。街道设计导则作为一种新型的道路空间专项研究,近年来在国内外城市方 兴未艾。通过对国内外城市街道设计导则编制和学术研究情况进行全面系统的回顾与梳理,总结其 编制经验,对中国城市街道设计导则编制的理念目标、体例和主要内容等方面进行特征分析。进一 步反思城市道路交通规划的理念与目标,提出街道设计导则对城市道路交通规划的独特借鉴价值, 并探索两者之间的良性互动策略。

关键词: 城市道路;街道设计导则;城市公共空间

中图分类号: U491


Street Design Guide and Urban Roadway System Improvement: From Capacity to Space Quality

Ma Qiang,Wei Xiao, Ren Guannan
(Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract: With streets serving as important urban public space for multiple functions such as transportation, activity, and ecology, street quality improvement and design receive increasing attention. In recent years, street design guide, as a new type of research on road space, has evolved substantially in China and other counties. Through comprehensive and systematic review of both domestic and international research of street design guide, this paper summarizes the compilation experience, concepts, objectives, principles, and main contents of the street design guide in Chinese cities. The paper presents unique reference values of the street design guide for urban roadway system planning, with further reflection on the concepts, objectives, and interactive strategies between them.

Keywords: urban roadway; street design guide; urban public space