2023年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2023)06-0045-08


摘要: 为了对现实环境下的城市道路网进行深入、全面的评估和监测,利用道路网、路况等交通大 数据,面向国家和城市两个层面的管理需求,首次搭建了“国家-城市”两级联动的道路网可靠性 监测平台。构建了基于结构可靠性、运行可靠性和容量可靠性的3 类11 项指标,研发了可靠性指标 计算、结果可视化、综合评估诊断、国家监测以及报告自动生成5 个功能模块。突破了基于海量大 数据的指标计算方法,将指标应用于真实大规模路网的可靠性评估,降低了计算复杂度、显著提升 了运算效率。以青岛市市北区为例开展道路网可靠性的评估与诊断,识别道路网中不可靠的片区、 通道、节点,为后续城市道路网可靠性的提升提供支撑展。

关键词: 城市道路网;道路网可靠性;指标体系;监测平台;功能模块;青岛市

中图分类号: U412.37


Design and Implementation of the National Urban Road Network Reliability Monitoring Platform

LI Yan,WANG Jifeng, CHEN Sha,WANG Yuxuan, MAO Haixiao
(China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: In order to conduct thorough and comprehensive assessment and monitoring of urban road networks under real-world scenarios, the authors, for the first time, establish a two-tiered“national-city”collaborative road network reliability monitoring platform using transportation big data related to road networks and traffic conditions and addressing the management needs at both national and city levels. This platform is developed based on three major categories, namely structural reliability, operational reliability, and capacity reliability, with 11 indicators. Five functional modules are developed, including reliability indicator computation, results visualization, comprehensive assessment diagnosis, national monitoring, and automatic report generation. This platform involves breakthroughs in indicators computation based on massive data and applies these indicators to the reliability assessment of real large-scale road networks, reducing the computational complexity and significantly enhancing the operational efficiency. Taking the Shibei District in Qingdao as an example, the paper presents the evaluation and diagnosis of road network reliability, identifying unreliable zones, corridors, and nodes within the road network. This analysis provides support for subsequent improvements in urban road network reliability.

Keywords: urban road network; road network reliability; indicator system; monitoring platform; functional modules; Qingdao