2008年 第2期


焦国安1 金霞2 杨菲3 邹熙4
(1. 美国纽约都市运输委员会,纽约 10038;2. 美国Cambridge Systematics 咨询公司,纽约 10016;3. 美国Louis Berger咨询公司,纽约 10038;4. 美国STV咨询公司,纽约 10003)






Travel Demand Forecasting in China and the U.S.

Chiao Kuo-Ann1, Jin Xia2, Yang Fei3 and Zou Xi4
(1.New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, New York 10038, USA; 2.Cambridge Systematics, Inc., New York 10016, USA; 3.The Louis Berger Group, Inc., New York 10038, USA; 4.STV Group Inc., New York 10003, USA)

Abstract: Travel demand models predict travel patterns for the future and define the region's needs for the transportation system. These models are used to facilitate informed decision-making on major transportation system investments and policies. This paper examines the current practices in travel demand forecasting in China based on a summary of the urban transportation models from several major cities, and compares them with the practices in the United States. By providing a picture of the current status in travel demand modeling in China, this study also explores potential improvements that may lead to better practices.

Keywords: transportation planning; travel demand model; travel demand forecasting procedure; data; model structure