2007年 第3期


David Quarmby1 著 胡树成2
(1.英国Colin Buchanan and Partners公司交通和旅游部,伦敦 W11 3PB;2.英国SIAS 交通规划公司,爱丁堡 EH3 7EB)

摘要:从旅客、业内人士和决策者的不同角度出发,给不太熟悉伦敦但却对其高效的公共交通系统感兴趣的读者,描述了今日伦敦公共交通系统的主要特征和运作方式。伦敦公共交通融合了公共汽车、地铁、轻轨、有轨电车和通勤火车在内的多种交通方式。良好的交通信息、车辆换乘及一票制的使用是该系统的3个主要特征, 以此达到旅客的便捷出行。同时指出,伦敦公共交通系统成功在于3个关键因素:一体化的交通政策和规划、由伦敦市长直接领导的统一交通机构(伦敦交通署)负责机制以及充足的资金保障。




Tomorrow's Transport Today - getting around London

Written by David Quarmby1, Translated by HU Shucheng2
(1.Transport and Tourism, Colin Buchanan and Partners, London W11 3PB, UK; 2.SIAS Limited, Edinburgh, EH3 7EB, UK)

Abstract: The author presents London's transport system from the point of a passenger, a planner and a decision-maker. The paper is aimed at an audience which may not know much about London but is interested to understand what it is that makes things successful in London. It explains the key features of the transport system in London - bus, underground, DLR, tram and commuter rail - and how it is supported and made easy for passengers by good information, interchange and integrated ticketing. The key to its success is integration of policy and planning, which is delivered by a single transport organization (Transport for London, TfL), single political control (Mayor of London) and sufficient funds.

Keywords: public transportation; information; interchange; integrated ticketing; integration of policy and planning