2007年 第3期


(北京中城捷工程咨询有限责任公司,北京 100037)

摘要:新一轮申报建设轨道交通的城市与以往申报的城市相比,在城市人口与用地规模、交通结构与需求、经济发展水平等方面均有所不同。介绍了轨道交通建设现行的国家政策法规,总结了拟建轨道交通城市必要的申报材料与申报流程,在分析新一轮拟建轨道交通城市共性特征的基础上,分析了这些城市在进行轨道交通规划时应注意的问题,提出应遵循 “量力而行、规范管理、稳步发展”的方针,准确把握城市发展特征,多层次多方面进行系统的分析,得出适合城市特点的、科学合理的轨道交通建设方案。




Issues Concerning a New-Round Application for Urban Rail Transit Projects

WU Shuang
(China Metro Engineering Consulting Corporation, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: There exist differences in urban population, land-use, travel patterns and demand, and economic development between cities that are currently applying for urban rail transit (URT) projects and the ones applied before. This paper first introduces national policies and regulations governing the planning and construction of URT projects, and outlines the required materials and the process for URT project application. Through an analysis of the characteristics commonly seen among these cities, the paper then lists some issues that need to be considered in the planning of URT projects. The paper further suggests that the planning of URT projects should be economically feasible, reasonably regulated, and steadily paced. URT project construction scenarios can be generated in a reasonable and scientific way to suitably fit a city, only after a systematic analysis to address various issues in various levels, and to thoroughly understand the city's development characteristics.

Keywords: urban rail transit; construction planning; middle-sized city