2006年 第5期


林琳 毛保华 丁勇 陈振起 李欢
(北京交通大学交通运输学院,北京 100044)





A Preliminary Analysis on Rational Development of Urban Taxi Traffic

LIN Lin, MAO Baohua, DING Yong, CHEN Zhenqi, LI Huan
(School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, 100044)

Abstract: With an improving quality of life, travelers are inclined to select more flexible, more convenient, and safer modes of travel. Taxi, as one of urban travel modes, becomes increasingly suited to meet the needs of nowadays travelers, which stimulates a rapid growth of taxi markets in China. As a result, however, it brings up unprecedented problems and challenges to the urban mass transportation. In light of the current situation of taxi market growth, and according to the operational characteristics of the taxi markets in China, this paper reports recent investigation and analysis results which show that the use of taxis in China has led to a series issues, including a high consumption of road spaces, a high ratio of not-in-service operations, and an overall low level of operation. In addition, the paper recommends solutions to these issues, as well as guidance to developing urban taxi markets in the country.

Key words: urban transportation; taxi; ratio of not-in-service operations