




摘要:人性化交通系统的构建需 要从群体特征、交通设施、管理对 策三方面着手。首先明确了北川 新县城人性化交通系统应重点解 决道路网络、慢行交通和特殊群 体的交通需求、居民生活习惯的延 续3 个关键问题。探讨了北川新 县城人性化交通系统构建的思路 和方法,针对道路网络、慢行交通 系统、无障碍设施、稳静交通区、细 部交通设计5 个方面展开具体分 析,提出提高干路网密度、慢行交 通一体化设计、采用较小的路缘石 半径等解决方案。最后,指出人性 化交通系统的核心和本质在于“人 性化”而不是交通本身,人性化在 我国城市交通系统可持续发展过 程中应不断深化和加强。

关键词:交通规划;交通设计;人性 化交通系统;北川新县城;慢行交 通;无障碍设施;细部设计



User Friendly Transportation System in New Beichuan County Transportation Planning

DAI Ji-feng, YIN Guang-tao, ZHAO Jie, LI Han, YANG Jia
(China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract:Developing a user friendly transportation system, it is necessary to build a system with transportation facilities and management polices that accomodate users' characteristics. This paper discusses how new Beichuan transportation system can provide a better roadway network that satisfy the needs of none-motorized and special user groups's travel, and fit the local residents life style. The paper explores methodologies for the establishment of user friendly transportation system on five design ideas: the street network, non-motorized travel system, free of obstacle travel, traffic calming and local detailed travel plan. Increasing roadway density, promoting traffic calming, and using relatively small radius for curb are the identified measures for a user friendly system. Finally, the authors point out the core principle in a user friendly transportation system emphasizes the well-being of users not so much on the mobility. This concept is important for small urban areas' sustainable transportation development in China.

Keywords:transportation planning; transportation design; user friendly transportation system; New Beichuan County; none-motorized transportation system; obstacle-free facilities; detailed travel plan