20210103-Practice and Thoughts on Reservation Travel in Beijing Metro Stations

  WANG Qian1,2,3 GUO Jifu1,2,3 GE Yu4 LIANG Chao4 XIAN Kai1,2,3 DIAO Jingjing1,2,3 ZHANG Lei1,2,3 MA Yilin1,2,3

  (1.Beijing Transport Institute, Beijing 100073)

  (2.Beijing International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Urban Transport, Beijing 100073)

  (3.Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Transport Operation Simulation and Decision Support, Beijing 100073)

  (4.Beijing Municipal Commission of Transportation, Beijing 100073)

  【Abstract】Excessively concentrated commuting passenger flow during peak hours presents a great challenge to urban rail transit operation and management. According to the historical passenger flow of the same period, Beijing adopted measures to limit passenger flow at several stations. During the prevention and control of COVID-19 in 2020, the high uncertainty of passenger flow makes it more difficult to manage passenger flow effectively. To acquire passenger travel demand in advance and decrease the possibility of passenger gathering while queuing, Beijing has carried out a trail of reservation at several rail transit stations, which can reduce the queuing and gathering of people outside the station caused by traditional flow restriction measures and meet the requirements of load factor control and precise traceability. In the first two pilot stations, the daily reservation users are about 6,000 during peak hours, which has helped save about 240 hours of waiting time outside the station for passengers. Practice has proved the effectiveness of the travel reservation strategy and provides experience for exploring new transportation management methods in the reservation mode.

  【Keywords】 travel reservation; urban rail transit stations; passenger volume control; supply–demand balance;

  【DOI】 10.13813/j.cn11-5141/u.2021.0107-en