20210501-Green Transportation Development Strategies Under the Carbon Neutrality Goal

  HUANG Lichen, CAO Qiaosong

  Nanjing Institute of City & Transport Planning Co., Ltd., Nanjing Jiangsu 210018, China

  【Abstract】Transportation has long been one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Setting the carbon neutrality goal will profoundly affect transportation development. This paper presents an analysis of major dilemmas and challenges in the transportation sector with respect to carbon emissions reduction, including the discussion of diversified impacts of transportation demand, travel modes, land use development, and other fac-tors. The paper proposes strategies to address the challenges from several aspects, such as new energy for vehicles, transportation mode share optimization, and residents’ travel mode change. For vehicles, it is necessary to consist-ently enhance the utilization of new energy in private cars. For transportation mode share, the paper highlights the development of a green multimodal logistics system that relies on electrified railways as the backbone. For residents’ mobility, the paper proposes to promote residents’ travel mode change from private cars to public transit, walking, and biking through measures such as transportation and land development integration and carbon credits for green mobility.

  【Keywords】 carbon neutrality; transportation sector; carbon emissions reduction; public transit; green development

  【DOI】 10.13813/j.cn11-5141/u.2021.0503-en