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UTC journal
Vol.16 No.2 Mar 2018
Issues on Urban Transportation

QUAN Yongshen, Wang Ting, Yu Liu
Beijing Transport Institute, Beijing 100073, China

Abstract: China is experiencing a critical period of economic and social transformation, and the external ecological environment in which the transportation system originates and evolves has undergone tremendous changes. There-fore, the traditional transportation development modes and planning theories are facing challenges. In response to these changes, this paper proposes some strategic questions that need to be examined and discussed on the follow-ing topics: the method in response to the uncertainties in the existing urban transportation planning system; the re-form of supply mode in transportation services; the structural reorganization of the comprehensive transportation system; the development of transportation planning objectives and the indicator system; the implementation of pub-lic transportation priority policies and the construction of public transportation metropolis; the rational perspective on the development of new transportation services; the development of intelligent transportation system; and the theoretical and technical innovations on urban transportation.

Keywords: urban transportation; marketization; comprehensive transportation system; transportation indicators; public transportation priority; transportation sharing; intelligent traffic system; theoretical and technical innovations