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UTC journal
Vol.18 No.4 Jul 2020
Analysis of Crowd Spatial Activities Based on Software Development Kit (SDK) Data

LI Xingyue1, LIU Fengjia1, YU Wei1, ZENG Liming2
1. Zhejiang Urban & Rural Planning Design Institute, Hangzhou 310030, Zhejiang Province, China; 2. Zhejiang Merit Interactive Network Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310000, Zhejiang Province, China

Abstract: A spatial activity analysis method for specific urban spaces and specific populations at the mesoscale was constructed based on Software Development Kit (SDK) to explore the applicability of emerging data sources in the analysis of crowd spatial activities. With Zhoushan as an example, the paper analyzes the characteristics of residents’ and tourists’ activities in different locations respectively in four aspects: original starting point, travel path, travel intensity and spatial distribution. The regularity and difference of the two types of travelers are compared. The results show that resident activities are always near the residential area with small daily and hourly variations, while the tourist activities are concentrated on roads, docks and scenic spots with large overall daily and hourly changes. With more precise positioning and rich information in users’ attributes, SDK data can serve as the basis for temporal and spatial optimization and customized travel services of travel for specific groups, public facilities, emergency management, etc.

Keywords: spatial activities; Software Development Kit (SDK) data; distribution characteristics; workplace and residence; residents; tourists; Zhoushan