点击量:57 |
文章编号: 1672-5328(2024)01-0029-06
摘要: 受城镇化增长速度减缓、新兴多元化交通方式竞争以及新冠病毒感染疫情的影响,城市公共 汽电车交通发展面临客流下降、企业现金流紧张等问题。从公共汽电车线网规模、车队规模的增长 惯性,运营道路环境、企业经营环境以及对企业的激励机制等角度剖析了面临困境的外部和内部原 因。指出公共汽电车交通可持续发展的一个重要方向是逐步向政府购买公共服务过渡。为形成政府 购买公共服务的基础,需要从工业化的技术标准、定量的财务测算以及预算约束下的监管机制三个 方面对公共汽电车的运营进行规范。最后,针对当下公共汽电车交通发展困境提出了具有紧迫性和 现实意义的建议。
关键词: 公共汽电车;可持续发展;运营;政府监管;财政补贴
中图分类号: U491.1+7
Sustainable Development of Urban Bus Transit Under Financial Constraints
WANG Yuanyuan
(Shanghai Easy Traffic Consulting Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201913, China)
Abstract: Affected by the slow growth in urbanization, the competition of emerging diversified travel modes, and the epidemic situation of COVID-19 infection, the development of bus transit is faced with problems such as the decreased passenger volume and the tight enterprise cash flow. This paper analyzes the external and internal reasons for the difficulties faced by public transportation enterprises from the perspective of the scale of bus transit networks, the growth inertia of bus fleets, operating road environments, enterprise management environment, and incentive mechanisms for enterprises. It is suggested that one important direction for the sustainable development of bus transit is to gradually transition to government procurement of public services. To establish the foundation for the government to purchase public services, it is necessary to standardize the operation of bus transit from three aspects: industrial technical standards, quantitative financial calculations, and regulatory mechanisms under budget constraints. Finally, the paper puts forward a series of urgent and practical suggestions to address the current difficulties in bus transit development.
Keywords: bus transit; sustainable development; operation; government regulation; subsidy