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文章编号: 1672-5328(2024)01-0042-11
(1. 广州大学地理科学与遥感学院,广东广州510000;2.广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院,广东广州510060)
摘要: 公共交通资源配置公平性对促进以人为本的社会可持续发展及城市公共服务均等化具有重要 意义。以老幼人口密集的广州市主城区为例,运用基尼系数、改进潜能模型与双变量空间自相关分 析等方法,从整体和局部层面探讨老幼群体公共交通资源配置公平性。结果显示:广州市主城区公 共交通资源配置整体处于不公平的状态;可达性较好的格网分析单元多分布于城市轨道交通沿线以 及人口分布稀疏的黄埔区和番禺区;从儿童的公共交通供需平衡情况看,需求高、供给低的区域主 要分布在天河区、白云区以及黄埔区的城中村和居住区附近;而对于老年人,需求高、供给低的区 域集中分布在荔湾区和海珠区。最后,从区域间公共交通资源均衡配置、公共交通系统优化、适老 与适幼化公共交通服务完善3方面提出优化策略。
关键词: 公共交通;可达性;公平性;老幼群体;供需平衡;老年人;儿童;广州市
中图分类号: U491.1+7
Equity of Public Transportation Resource Allocation for the Elderly and Young Groups in Guangzhou
CHAI Lei1, CHEN Chengjing1, GAO Feng2, ZHUANG Caigang1, LI Shaoying1
(1. School of Geography and Remote Sensing, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou Guangdong 510000, China; 2. Guangzhou Urban Planning & Design Survey Research Institute, Guangzhou Guangdong 510060, China)
Abstract: The equity of public transportation resource allocation is critical in promoting people-oriented social sustainable development and equalization of urban public services. Taking the main urban area of Guangzhou with a dense population of elderly and young people as an example, this study applies methods such as the Gini Coefficient, improved potential model, and bivariate spatial autocorrelation analysis to explore the equity of public transportation resource allocation for the elderly and young groups at both overall and partial levels. The results indicate an unfair state of the overall allocation of public transportation resources in the main urban area of Guangzhou. Grid analysis units with good accessibility are mostly distributed along urban rail transit lines and in sparsely populated areas such as Huangpu and Panyu Districts. From the perspective of supply-demand balance of public transportation for children, areas with high demand and low supply are mainly located in Tianhe District, Baiyun District, and the urban villages and residential areas of Huangpu District. For the elderly, high-demand and low-supply areas are concentrated in Liwan District and Haizhu District. Finally, three optimization strategies are proposed: balanced regional allocation of public transportation resources, optimization of public transportation systems, and improvement of public transportation services friendly for the elderly and young groups.
Keywords: public transportation; accessibility; equity; elderly and young groups; supply-demand balance; the elderly; children; Guangzhou