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文章编号: 1672-5328(2024)01-0053-09
(1. 重庆城市交通研究院有限责任公司,重庆401120;2.重庆城市综合交通枢纽(集团)有限公司,重庆401121)
摘要: 公共汽电车交通系统需要评估现状供给与需求两端的问题,以制定合理的优化方案。通过融 合公共交通设施静态数据、手机位置数据、车辆GPS定位数据、IC 卡刷卡数据、高德地图API路径 规划数据等多源数据构建底层支撑体系。以乘客通勤出行为切入点,从设施能力、运营服务、竞争 力水平3 个维度构建运营评估指标体系,提出一种公共汽电车运营评估方法来度量公共交通运营服 务优劣势并挖掘潜在竞争力。最后以重庆市某片区为例,深入讨论和分析了现状公共汽电车设施及 运营中的不足,尤其是便捷性方面的不足明显,体现为步行距离远、运行速度慢、换乘次数多及候 车时间长,并提出针对性的改善策略。
关键词: 公共交通;公共汽电车;多源数据;设施;运营;竞争力;重庆市
中图分类号: U491.1+7
Operational Evaluation of Bus Transit Using Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of Chongqing
(1. Chongqing City Communication Research Institute, Chongqing 401120, China; 2. Chongqing Urban Comprehensive Transportation Hub(Group) Co., Ltd., Chongqing 401121, China)
Abstract: Urban bus transit system needs to evaluate both supply and demand issues to develop reasonable optimization plans. This paper integrates static data of public transportation facilities, mobile location data, vehicle GPS positioning data, IC card swiping data, and Amap API route planning data to build a comprehensive underlying data support system. Starting from the passenger commuting behavior, an operational evaluation indicator system is developed from three dimensions: facility capacity, operational services, and level of competitiveness. A public transportation operational evaluation method is proposed to measure the advantages and disadvantages of public services and explore the potential competitiveness. Finally, taking a certain area in Chongqing as an example, the paper discusses the shortcomings in the current urban bus transit facilities and operations, especially in terms of long walking distances, slow operational speed, multiple transfers, and extended waiting times, and then proposes targeted improvement measures.
Keywords: public transportation; bus transit; multi- source data; facilities; operation; competitiveness; Chongqing