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文章编号: 1672-5328(2024)01-0078-07
摘要: 车站名称随着城市轨道交通网络化效应凸显而愈发受到关注,科学的站名规划方法有助于提 高命名的准确性、化解站名规划的被动局面。通过对深圳市前三轮轨道交通站名规划的梳理与总 结,识别既有站名规划存在的问题:线路功能层次与站名不匹配;轨道交通线网加密地区站名资源 不足;原有老地名标识逐渐丢失;站名资源争夺激烈。结合中国其他城市在轨道交通站名方面的经 验与教训,提出3 个规划策略:车站命名应强化文化特色和稳定性,规定站名用词的优先次序;协 调与轨道交通线网中不同功能层级和不同建设时序线路的关系;明确车站更名管理规定。车站命名 的优先次序为:以车站附近历史悠久、知名度高的历史地名命名;以车站所在的区片名称命名;以 车站周边长期稳定、具有地标功能的大型城市公共设施命名;以与轨道交通线路垂直相交的道路名 称命名。
关键词: 城市轨道交通;车站命名;优先次序;网络层级;建设时序;深圳市
中图分类号: U491.1+2
Rail Transit Station Name Planning: A Case Study of Shenzhen
CHEN Xuefeng, XU Xuhui
(Shenzhen Urban Planning and Land Resource Research Center, Shenzhen Guangdong 518034, China)
Abstract: Railway station name has received increasing attention as the network effect of urban rail transit becomes more prominent. Scientific station name planning methods can improve the accuracy of naming and resolve the passive situation of station name planning. Through sorting and summarizing the first three rounds of station names planning for the rail transit in Shenzhen, this paper identifies the existing problems of station name planning, including the mismatch between function and name planning, insufficient station name resources in areas with intensive rail transit network, the gradual disappearance of the historical place name, and the fierce competition for name resources. Based on the experiences and lessons learned from other cities in China, the paper proposes three planning strategies: station names should strengthen cultural characteristics and stability and specify the priority of the words used in station names, coordinate the relationship between different functional levels and construction timing lines of urban rail transit network, and clarify the management regulations for station renaming. The priority of naming stations is to name according to the nearby historical place with a long history and high popularity; name with the district where the station is located; name with large-scale urban public facilities with long-term stability and landmark functions around the station; name with the road that intersects perpendicular to the rail transit line.
Keywords: urban rail transit; name the station; priority; network level; construction sequence; Shenzhen