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文章编号: 1672-5328(2024)01-0085-07
魏润斌1,高顺祥2,许奇2, 3,贾顺平2, 3,毛保华2, 3
(1. 北京轨道交通路网管理有限公司,北京100101;2. 北京交通大学综合交通运输大数据应用技术交通运输行业 重点实验室,北京100044;3. 北京交通大学中国综合交通研究中心,北京100044)
摘要: 为探究不同城市轨道交通服务与人口分布和城市功能布局之间的关系,以北京、上海、广 州、深圳、成都以及日本东京为对象,以距离和时间作为圈层划分依据对比分析了6 个城市轨道交 通覆盖人口的空间特征,研究了其与城市功能布局的耦合关系。进一步从输送能力的角度定量分析 6 个城市轨道交通运营组织与覆盖人口的关系。研究结果表明:轨道交通覆盖人口呈径向递减趋 势;15 km圈层之外,中国5 个城市轨道交通覆盖人口占区域内全部人口的比值已经低于10%,而 东京仍旧高于20%;中国5 个城市的主要功能区集中在城市中心区,东京的主要功能区分布较为分 散但依旧拥有较高的轨道交通覆盖率,其对城市空间结构的支撑作用更加显著。6 个城市轨道交通 的输送能力与覆盖人口从整体上看均呈现正相关性,东京轨道交通的相关性体现为通过更加灵活的 交路组织和运力分配实现供给与需求的匹配。
关键词: 城市轨道交通;覆盖人口;城市功能布局;北京;上海;广州;深圳;成都;东京
中图分类号: U491.1+2
Comparison of Urban Rail Transit Service Population Among Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, and Tokyo
WEI Runbin1, GAO Shunxiang2, XU Qi2, 3, JIA Shunping2, 3, MAO Baohua2, 3
(1. Beijing Metro Network Management Co., Ltd., Beijing 100101, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Transport Industry of Big Data Application Technologies for Comprehensive Transport, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 3. Integrated Transport Research Center of China, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)
Abstract: In order to investigate the relationship between rail transit services, population distribution, and urban functional layout, this paper takes Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, and Tokyo, Japan as the research objects. The spatial characteristics of the population covered by urban rail transit in six cities are compared based on distance and time as the basis of circle division, and their coupling relationship with urban functional layout is discussed. Furthermore, the relationship between rail transit operation and the population covered in six cities is quantitatively analyzed in terms of transportation capacity. The results indicate that the population coverage of rail transit is decreasing radially, and the proportion of population covered by rail transit to the total population in the region is below 10% in five Chinese cities outside the 15 km circle, while it is above 20% in Tokyo. The main functional areas of the five Chinese cities are concentrated in the city center, while the main functional areas of Tokyo are relatively scattered but still have a higher coverage rate of rail transit, which has a more significant role in supporting the spatial structure of the city. The transportation capacity of six urban rail systems show a positive correlation with the population covered by rail transit from an overall perspective. The correlation of Tokyo rail transit is reflected in the matching of supply and demand through more flexible routing organization and capacity allocation.
Keywords: urban rail transit; service population; urban functional layout; Beijing; Shanghai; Guangzhou; Shenzhen; Chengdu; Tokyo