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文章编号: 1672-5328(2023)06-0092-07
摘要: 当代城市家庭选择居住地时往往将临近学校作为重要参考,在缩小学住距离的同时加剧了职 住分离。选取昆明市561 个有学龄儿童的双职工家庭为研究对象,分析家庭空间分异对儿童通学决 策的影响。首先,基于时间地理学理论构建考虑职住学三个锚点的家庭活动空间及测度理论模型。 其次,根据测度结果将家庭活动空间划分为职住学就近型和职住学分离型两类。最后,建立结构方 程模型分别探究两种模式下父母工作时长以及父母儿童组合时间窗对儿童通学时空行为的影响。研 究结果表明:相对于学住距离,父母的职住距离和工作时长对通学行为的影响更为显著,因此就近 入学政策对于促进儿童步行上学的作用有限;对于职住学分离型家庭,父母下班与儿童放学组合时 间窗的宽裕程度对儿童出行影响显著,组合时间窗越宽裕,儿童小汽车出行的可能越大,因此弹性 放学时间的效果也有待商榷;儿童在通学行为中的性别差异主要在职住学分离型家庭中体现。
关键词: 交通管理;通学出行方式;结构方程模型;时间地理学;家庭活动空间;双职工家庭;组 合时间窗;昆明市
中图分类号: U491.1+2
Working Place-Residence-School Activity Spatial Measure and Its Impact on Children's School Travel: Taking the Dual-Income Families in Kunming as an Example
HE Baohong, GUO Jinghui
(Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming Yunnan 650500, China)
Abstract: Contemporary urban families tend to consider nearby schools as an important reference when choosing residence, which not only reduces the distance between school and residence but also exacerbates the separation of workplace and residence. Selecting 561 dual-income families with school-age children in Kunming as research objects, this paper analyzes the impact of family spatial differentiation on children's school educational decision-making. Firstly, based on the theory of time geography, a theoretical model for measuring family activity space considering the three anchor points of work, residence, and education is developed. Secondly, according to the measurement results, the family activity space is divided into two categories, namely work-residence/education adjacent and work-residence/education separation. Finally, the paper establishes a structural equation model to discuss the influence of parents' working time and parentchild combined time window on children's spatial-temporal behavior of school travel in both categories. The results show that, compared to the distance between education and residence, the distance between parents' workplace and residence and parents' working time have a more significant impact on commuting behaviors. Therefore, the effect of the nearby enrollment policy on promoting children's walking to school is limited. In addition, for families with a separation of work-residence/education, the degree of flexibility in the combined time window for parent- child after school has a significant impact on children's travel. The wider the combined time window, the greater the possibility of children traveling by car. Therefore, the effect of flexible school hours is also questionable. The gender differences in children's commuting behavior are mainly reflected in the families with separation of work, residence, and education.
Keywords: traffic management; travel mode of commuting to school; structural equation model; time geography; family activity space; dual-income families; combined time window; Kunming