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文章编号: 1672-5328(2024)05-0001-08
张晓春1, 2,江捷1,陈澍1,杨玮1
(1. 深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心股份有限公司,广东深圳518057;2. 深圳市智慧城市科技发展集团有限公 司,广东深圳518038)
摘要: 推动清洁能源载运工具转型、科学布局城市交通新能源补给设施是实现交通领域“双碳”目 标的重要抓手。在现有城市交通能源补给设施布局规划研究基础上,从交能融合视角出发,认为城 市交通新能源补给设施发展应重点关注交通能源结构、机动车功能定位以及能源设施布局变化。提 出目标制定—需求分析—布局方案—规划评估四阶段城市交通新能源补给设施发展策略及建议,包 括分类制定发展目标、合理预测设施规模、差异化确定设施布局方案以及实施动态评估调校。最 后,从规划及用地保障、跨部门协同推进、三网融合监控系统构建及源网荷储一体化角度提出一 系列建设及运营实施保障建议。
关键词: 能源体系规划;双碳;交能融合;新能源补给设施;车网互动
中图分类号: U491
Development Strategies for New Energy Supply Facilities of Urban Transportation from the Perspective of Transportation-Energy Integration
ZHANG Xiaochun1, 2, JIANG Jie1, CHEN Shu1, YANGWei1
(1. Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Guangdong 518057, China; 2. Shenzhen Smart City Technology Development Group Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Guangdong 518038, China)
Abstract: Advancing the transition to clean energy transportation and scientifically planning new energy supply facilities of urban transportation are critical measures for achieving the“dual-carbon”goals in the transportation sector. Based on existing studies of urban transportation energy supply facilities planning and from a transportation-energy integration perspective, this paper suggests that the development of new energy supply facilities for urban transportation should focus on the energy structure of transportation, the functional role of motor vehicles, and the evolving energy facilities layout. A four-stage development strategy is proposed and recommended for new energy supply facilities of urban transportation: goal setting, demand analysis, layout planning, and planning evaluation. This approach includes formulating development objectives by category, reasonably forecasting facility scale, establishing differentiated layout plans, and implementing dynamic evaluation adjustments. Finally, a series of construction and operational support recommendations are proposed from the perspectives of planning and land use security, cross-departmental coordination, monitoring systems for three-network integration, and the integration of source-grid-load-storage.
Keywords: energy system planning; dual carbon; transportation-energy integration; new energy supply facilities; vehicle-network interaction