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文章编号: 1672-5328(2024)05-0035-07
(1. 郑州市规划勘测设计研究院有限公司,河南郑州450052;2. 深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心股份有限公 司,广东深圳518000)
摘要: 轨道交通作为城市交通的主动脉,承担着城市公共交通主骨架作用,是提高群众生活品质的 民生工程,也是提升城市品质和竞争力的基础工程。通过对郑州市既有轨道交通线网规划适应性进 行分析,论证航空港区轨道交通线网优化的必要性。借鉴国内外类似城市轨道交通发展经验,提 出航空港区三级六类轨道交通功能层级。采用多种方法预测航空港区轨道交通线网规模。秉承分层 级、先对外、后对内的规划思路以及对外强联系、内部成体系的优化理念,按照区域协同、组团融 合、服务优化的优化策略,对城市轨道交通快线A、快线B以及普速线路提出优化方案,并对线路 运营组织提出合理化建议。优化后航空港区轨道交通线网规模274.8 km,串联重要节点和组团中 心,覆盖主次客流走廊,对建设“轨道上的航空港区”具有重要意义。
关键词: 轨道交通;线网优化;客流走廊;航空港区;郑州市
中图分类号: U491.1+2
Optimization of the Urban Rail Transit Network in Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone
HAO Xiaoyun1, LI Guanglei1, CHENWenbin2, WU Mingchao1
(1. Zhengzhou Urban Planning Design & Survey Research Institute Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Henan 450052, China; 2. Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Guangdong 518000, China)
Abstract: As the main artery of urban transportation, rail transit plays the role of the main skeleton of public transportation, which is not only a livelihood project to improve the quality of life for public, but also a foundational project to improve the quality and competitiveness of the city. By analyzing the planning adaptability of existing rail transit network in Zhengzhou, the necessity of rail transit network optimization in Airport Economy Zone is demonstrated. Drawing on the development experience of urban rail transit systems both domestically and internationally, a three-tier and six-category functional hierarchy for the rail transit system in airport economy zone is proposed. A variety of methods are utilized to predict the scale of rail transit network. The planning approach adheres to a tiered structure, prioritizing external connections before internal ones, and is guided by the optimization philosophy of strong external connection and internal system. According to the optimization strategy of regional coordination, group integration and service optimization, this paper proposes the optimization plan for express urban rail transit line A and B, and regular lines, as well as suggestion on operational organization. The optimized scale of the rail transit network in airport economy zone is 264.6 kilometers, which connects critical nodes and central clusters, covering both primary and secondary passenger flow corridors. The optimization plan is of significant importance for the construction of an“Airport Economy Zone on Rails”.
Keywords: rail transit; network optimization; passenger transportation corridor; Airport Economy Zone; Zhengzhou