2024年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2024)05-0042-08


摘要: 高密度立体复合街区逐渐成为城市空间组成的核心,构建立体步行系统能够满足不同空间行 人多样化和高品质出行需求。通过总结高密度立体复合街区特征和立体步行系统的组成与功能,明 确步行系统与街区空间形态关系。提出高密度立体复合街区内步行系统构建要点,包括深入调查研 究、精准预测需求、合理布局网络和明确落地实施,并进一步提出创新的关键点是缓解高密度街区 对行人的压迫感、满足复合街区内多元化的步行需求和统筹街区空间的立体化。以郑州东站东广场 核心区为例,分析其集客运枢纽、商务、商业、休闲、居住等多功能复合的空间特征和指标规模, 以及立体复杂的地下空间综合开发形式,提出坚持以人为本,打造多层次步行空间,构建地下、地 面、地上多维度立体步行网络,且以灵活便捷的空中连廊建设形式和面向实施的指标控制要求保障 方案落地实施,以支撑街区内绿色低碳、健康可持续发展。

关键词: 步行系统;高密度立体复合街区;空中连廊;地下步行网络;郑州东站

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Development of Pedestrian Systems in High- Density Three- Dimensional Mixed- Use Blocks: A Case Study of the Core Area of the East Square at Zhengzhou East Railway Station

DU Jingzhou, GUO Dongliang, MAJunrui
(Zhengzhou Urban Planning Design & Survey Research Institute Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Henan 450052, China)

Abstract: High-density three-dimensional mixed-use blocks are becoming the central components of urban spaces. Developing a three-dimensional pedestrian system can meet the diverse and high-quality mobility needs for pedestrians across different spatial levels. This paper identifies the relationship between pedestrian systems and block spatial forms by summarizing the characteristics of high-density mixed-use blocks and the composition and functions of three-dimensional pedestrian systems. The paper proposes key points for constructing pedestrian systems in such blocks, including conducting thorough investigations, accurately forecasting pedestrian demand, reasonably arranging network, and clarifying implementation measures. The paper further highlights the innovative focus on alleviating the sense of oppression that high-density blocks impose on pedestrians, accommodating the diverse pedestrian needs within mixed-use blocks, and coordinating three-dimensional spatial planning of blocks. Using the core area of the East Square at Zhengzhou East Railway Station as an example, the paper examines its multifunctional spatial characteristics and indicator scale, including transportation hubs, business, retail, leisure, and residential spaces, and the comprehensive development of its complex underground spaces. A people- centered approach is proposed to create multi- level pedestrian spaces and a multi- dimensional pedestrian network incorporating underground, ground-level, and above-ground components. The paper also proposes the construction of flexible and convenient aerial corridors and establishes actionable indicator control measures to ensure practical implementation. These strategies aim to promote green, low- carbon, healthy, and sustainable development within the blocks.

Keywords: pedestrian system; high- density three- dimensional mixed- use block; aerial corridor; underground pedestrian network; Zhengzhou East Railway Station