2024年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2024)05-0075-10


摘要: 新城规划建设是中心城区功能疏解的重要手段,其职住发展在不同时期具有不同的问题及特 征。在总结新城类型及典型特征基础上,基于广州市20 余年交通模型维护获取的丰富历史数据, 从职住发展视角探讨新城的建设周期,解析发展规律。广州市11 个主要新城(区)发展经验表明,居 住功能在新城区具有更快的发展速度,而靠近中心城区的产业新城具有更快的发展速度,从而导致 外住内职的现象,加剧进出城通勤交通压力;新城产业发展速度明显滞后于居住,居住功能完全发 育成熟需14.9 年,就业功能完全发育成熟需32.2 年。据此提出发展建议:新城开发建设保持适度规 模,在产业布局上发挥比较优势;注重产业要素导入,避免形成卧城;加强合理的用地配置,实 现职住平衡;充分利用轨道交通设施,分阶段导入不同新城发展要素。

关键词: 交通规划;新城;职住平衡;通勤交通;手机信令数据;新城成熟度;广州市

中图分类号: U491


Analysis and Reflection on the Evolution of Job-Housing in Guangzhou's New Town

HE Jian, SONG Cheng
(Guangzhou Transport Planning Research Institute Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Guangdong 510030, China)

Abstract: The planning and construction of new town serve as a pivotal strategy for alleviating the functional pressures on central urban areas. The evolution of these new towns in terms of employment and residential development encounter distinct challenges and exhibit unique characteristics across different periods. Based on the rich long-term historical data obtained from the maintenance of Guangzhou's transportation model over 20 years, this paper explores the construction cycle of new town from the perspective of job-housing development, and analyzes the development patterns. The development experience of Guangzhou's 11 major new towns (districts) shows that residential functions in new towns has a faster development pace, while industry-oriented new towns close to the central urban area have a more rapid development speed, which leads to the phenomenon of ‘living outside and working inside’, exacerbating the pressure of commuting in city. Meanwhile, the development speed of the new town industry is significantly lagging behind that of residential areas, which takes 14.9 years for residential functions to fully mature, and 32.2 years for employment functions to fully mature. Based on this, the following suggestions are proposed: 1) maintain a moderate scale and give full play to comparative advantages in industrial layout; 2) the development and construction of new town should emphasize on the introduction of industrial factors to avoid the formation of lying cities; 3) strengthen the rational land use development and promote job-housing balance; 4) fully utilize rail transit facilities and introduce different elements of new town development in different stages.

Keywords: transportation planning; new town; job- housing balance; commuting transportation; cellular signaling data; maturity of new town; Guangzhou