2008年 第3期


戢晓峰 姚琛
(西南交通大学交通运输学院, 成都 610031)


关键词:智能交通系统;ATIS;出行信息;传递模式; 效率




Travel Information Communication: Efficiency and Design Patterns

Ji Xiaofeng and Yao Chen
(College of Traffic & Transportation, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)

Abstract: To improve the efficiency of travel information communication and to provide theoretical support in designing travel information communication patterns, this paper scrutinizes the contents and features of travel information in light of the entire course of trip making and the urban transportation system. A comparison analysis of relevant studies published abroad and at home shows that, with the access to sufficient travel information, travelers are able to best schedule their trips, thus to improve their travel efficiency. As for transportation system managers, reliable communication of travel information enables them to better off the whole transportation network. With regards to city general plan, information communication strategies and efficiency evaluation, this paper presents design principles for travel information communication, and a thorough analysis of the existing travel information communication patterns in China. The paper also identifies major problems in travel information communication and the ways to address these problems, in the hope to lay a theoretic platform for ATIS programming and evaluation.

Keywords: Intelligent Transportation Systems; ATIS; travel information; communication patterns; efficiency