2009年 第4期


王志高,孔 喆,谢建华,尹立娥
(能源基金会北京代表处,北京 100004)

摘要:以巴黎Vélib’、里昂Vélo’v和巴塞罗那Bicing 3个典型的公共自行车系统为例,总结了欧洲第三代公共自行车系统的运作模式、服务方式、技术运用和品牌形象等方面的特点。探讨了系统的实施效果,认为该系统提供了一种既方便健康,又有益于环境保护、资源有效利用以及城市形象改善的出行方式。最后,就我国公共自行车系统的发展,总结分析了上述3个系统的经验、教训和启示,并展望其未来的发展。




The 3rd Generation of Bike Sharing Systems in Europe: Programs and Implications

WANG Zhi-gao, KONG Zhe, XIE Jian-hua, YIN Li-e
(The Energy Foundation Beijing Office, Beijing 100004, China)

Abstract:This paper showcases three European bike sharing programs implemented by Vélib’ in Paris, Vélo’v in Lyon, and Bicing in Barcelona, respectively. First, the paper reviews characteristics of the so called 3rd generation of bike sharing systems, in terms of their operations, services, application of technologies, as well as their logo shaping. Then the paper discusses the implementation outcomes of these programs through which bike sharing systems are recognized as a travel mode that is not only convenient and healthy but also benign to environment protection, resource consumption, and community identification. Finally, the paper outlines the experiences, lessons, and implications learned from the above three systems, and envisions their future development, in the hope to promote bike sharing systems in China.

Keywords:transportation policy; bike transportation system; bike sharing system; bike-rental stations; rental cost