2009年 第6期



摘要:围绕如何实现绿色交通的问题,首先辨析了城市可持 续交通、绿色交通、低碳交通的概念和内涵,相互联系与区别。 探讨了绿色交通的主要影响因素和影响机理,以及规划原则及 要点,指出应注重绿色交通系统的内部优化、与外部系统的协 调共生。提出从调整城市空间形态和土地利用、实施公交优 先、完善道路网络、提高设施使用效率到改变出行者观念与行 为等方面推进绿色交通的措施建议。最后,指出未来城市与城 市交通的理想模式,即“生态城市”和以公共交通为主、自行车 和步行为辅的城市综合交通系统。



Approaches towards Realization of Urban Green Transportation

LU Hua-pu
(Institute of Transportation Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

Abstract:As to how to realize green transportation, this paper first discusses the concepts and their meanings, interrelations, and differences of urban sustainable, green, and low-carbon transportation, and analyzes the main factors and their mechanisms that influence green transportation. The paper proposes some principles and key-points for green transportation planning, in which intra-system optimization and intersystem coordination should be emphasized. Then, from urban spatial form and land use, transit prioritization, road network improvement and efficiency enhancement, to travelers' attitude and behavior changes, the paper introduces some ideas and suggestions in those areas to promote green transportation. Finally, the paper envisions the ideal pattern of a future city and its transportation system, i.e., an eco-city with a comprehensive transportation system using transit as its primary means of travel, plus bicycling and walking as the secondary modes.

Keywords:green transportation; sustainable transportation; transit prioritization; transportation and land use