2024年 第1期
城市交通新基建网络建设展望 ——目标、内涵与路径

文章编号: 1672-5328(2024)01-0001-14

张晓春1, 2,安健2,黄泽2,李正行2
(1. 深圳市智慧城市科技发展集团有限公司,广东深圳518038;2. 深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心股份有限公 司,广东深圳518057)

摘要: 建设世界一流的交通基础设施体系已上升成为国家战略,对城市交通而言,从传统基础设施 迈向新型基础设施(以下简称“新基建”)是高质量发展的必然选择。探讨了城市交通新基建网络建 设的目标、内涵与路径,强调新基建不等同于抛弃传统价值,仍需紧密围绕服务于人的需求、组织 城市高效运行、引领生态战略落地、筑牢网络韧性防线、与新业态同频共振、提升行业管理效能等 目标推动建设。从设施-运输-信息-能源四网融合、物理-数字-社会三元空间融合、为设施“规- 建-养-运”全面赋能、建立全息认知-全视角评估-全场景推演-全要素调控闭环4 个维度出发,解 析城市交通新基建网络的构建与运行内涵并展望其发展的未来形态。最后,从规划编制方法与技术 创新、新基建网络智能体构建、城市交通基础设施与能源跨网融合角度探讨新时期城市交通的发展 路径。

关键词: 交通治理;新基建;数字化转型;新业态;数字孪生;交能融合

中图分类号: U491


Prospects for the Construction of New Infrastructure Networks in Urban Transportation: Objectives, Connotations, and Paths

ZHANG Xiaochun1, 2, AN Jian2, HUANG Ze2, LI Zhengxing2
(1. Shenzhen Smart City Technology Development Group Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Guangdong 518038, China; 2. Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Guangdong 518057, China)

Abstract: Constructing a world-class transportation infrastructure system has been prioritized as a national strategy. For urban transportation, transitioning from traditional infrastructure to new infrastructure (hereinafter referred to as“new infrastructure”) is an inevitable choice for high-quality development. This paper explores the objectives, connotations, and paths for the construction of new infrastructure networks in urban transportation, emphasizing that building new infrastructure is not equivalent to abandoning traditional values. Instead, it should still focus on serving people's needs, organizing efficient urban operations, leading the implementation of ecological strategies, strengthening defense lines of network resilience, resonating with emerging business models, and enhancing industry management efficiency to achieve construction goals. From four dimensions—integrating facilities-transportation-information-energy four networks, integrating physical- digital- social three- dimensional spaces, empowering facilities with “planning- construction- maintenance- operation” capabilities, and establishing a closed- loop of holistic cognition, fullview assessment, comprehensive scenario deduction, and all-element control—the paper presents an analysis of the construction and operational connotations of new infrastructure network in urban transportation and envisions their future development form. Finally, the paper discusses the development path of urban transportation in the new era from the perspectives of planning methods and technological innovation, the intelligent construction of new infrastructure network, and the cross-network integration of urban transportation infrastructure and energy.

Keywords: transportation governance; new infrastructure; digital transformation; emerging business models; digital twins; transportation-energy integration